
About Meet the Leap Company

For Leaders in Education:

 Making the Positive Impact You Want -- As the World Changes Around You


Meet The Leap Company holds space for leaders in education to boost their positive impact in the world in full alignment with their calling to make a difference.

Inner structures and patterns remain relatively constant to allow you to anticipate and predict change. This allows you to then get ahead of the changes that may be coming your way so that you are ready to deal with them with solid, practical and forward-thinking solutions.

Rather than say, “I wish I had known that situation X would have happened and had I known, I would have done X, Y, and Z differently.”

Instead, you’ll be able to say, “I anticipated the probabilities of how the world might change, because of X, Y, and Z, and I was ready to be in service to those I feel called to serve with ideas and solutions on how to deal with those changes.”

You’ll be able to say: “I met the leap where change was happening in alignment with my purpose in life -- in my work and beyond”.


Book your free strategy session to help you continue your path getting in greater alignment with serving your calling.


About Gisele Thomson


About Coaching